Another very good resource is the Transmission Line Design Handbook by Brian Wadell which also has a good bibliography on the subject of microstrip formulas.
Found it in ITT's reference data for radio engineers, 1983, sixth edition, page 24-25.
The formula came from D.D. Grieg and H.F. Engelmann, "Microstrip - New Transmission Technique for the Kilo-Megacycle Range, proceedings for IRE, Vol. 40, Dec. 1952. There are other reference, let me know if they are needed,
II downloaded the Grieg and Engelmann paper, the formula is not in it. I also grabbed a few others from the 1950s, but no luck. Grieg and Engelmann were ITT employees, and microstrip was an ITT technology. The authors of the ITT reference data might have had access to memos that we will never find... I might do a little more digging.
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