
  • Measure noise figure of something with really low noise...
    Both PNA and Y-factor measurement options are sensitive to oscillations, and external sources making its way into the signal chain. Y-factor measurement depends on VSWR, and for sub-dB measurements, the ENR of the source is affecting the measurements, and can vary with calibration year per year. AFAIK accuracy with the newest USB-C sources from Keysight is in the range of +/- 0.2 dB NF with a known DUT (I have had the luxury of using a PNA and Y-factor equipped NFA side-by-side). PNA measurements are can be difficult as compression will affect the measurement.
  • IEEE MTT-S and Microwaves101
    Agree with the previous posts, dont change! Been reading and enjoying the microwaves101 content for 5 years now, and I love the relaxed format and hands-on approach to the sometimes quite difficult world of microwaves.
  • Network analyzer repair
    If you are up to do it yourself with some guidance I have seen Dunsmore himself answer repair-related questions over at the EEVblog forum.
  • Surface treatment on aluminium
    Surtec650 for RX-purpose waveguide works just fine. Scratch resistance is not on par with proper silver plating though.
  • SiC heat spreaders
    Maybe some shop using cubic boron nitride grinding wheels could do it


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